Wednesday 11 April 2012

Reminder: Sullivan Heights Newsletter Now Online Only

This is a reminder that Sullivan Heights has made the move to an online version of our school newsletter. Our goal is to provide updates to families as events happen (or are upcoming) rather than at specified times of the year. We are using a blog format so that students and families can subscribe using Google Reader, RSS, and other technologies to receive updates directly in their inboxes, iPods, or smart phones.

Our new system will continue to evolve with a probable shift in web address coming in September. Until then, our school news can be viewed in the following ways:

• Go to our school homepage and click “News”
• Go directly to this address:
• Subscribe to the site by following the address above and entering an email address in the “Follow By Email” box
• Subscribe to our site using one of the many “Readers” like Google Reader, Outlook, or RSS Reader – this will deliver our updates directly to your inbox or your handheld device

As always, we invite your feedback regarding our communications with the community.

Thank you,

Robert Whitham,

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